Educational philosophy of shalom

Educational Philosophy of Shalom Residential Public School
Purpose of education may be defined as "a process of developing and moulding someone into a total quality person". How is this goal attained? What system is in place to achieve the set goal? Why do educators deviate from the standard practices? Text book authors fail in meeting the demand by giving knowledge without values. Values are transferred without life. Knowledge on its own may pass exam, but applied knowledge combined with values is capable of bringing about real and lasting local, community and national progress. Thus the dynamics of true education needs to be rediscovered and resolutely applied.
Plasticity of the 4-14 must be borne in mind while programming and reprogramming the educational system. Intellectual input and output, emotional stability, spiritual well being, social balancing and improved and increased local knowledge decide what we are and what we will produce.
A planter knows what kind of fruits his plants will produce... A farmer knows what crop he will harvest... A manufacturer knows what product he will manufacture... A master craftsman can visualise the masterpiece of his creation. Likewise, a school should be keenly aware of the attributes and character traits that it derives from its graduating students.
Creativity and efficiency of a school is largely dependent on the ability of its teachers and tutors to foresee the morrow of its students and shaping them into what future demands and knowing the output as a farmer knows his crops, planter knows his fruits, manufacturer knows his products and a master craftsman knows his sculpture, well before he plants, he sows, he pools the raw materials and he chooses the object for his sculpture.
However, schools hardly foresee the future of the child. This is where a Philosophy of Education becomes important. It weaves necessary cords into one that shapes a child the way he needs to be shaped. Shalom Residential Public School's Educational Philosophy is built on four biblical and christian capstones. These are Knowledge, Character, Spirituality and Service.
"Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments."
We believe that revolution, revelation and rationale are the three components of knowledge. Knowledge reveals truth and Truth liberates. Enlightenment goes hand in hand with emancipation - the setting free of the individual "to do" and "to be" in accordance with their character and potential and is closely and rightly connected to historic truth.
"Let no one look down on your youth, be an example to all in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity and in everything."
We believe that emotional intelligence of a person is determined by his character. We believe that school is a place where they are taught how to apply the knowledge at the emotional realm and they shall not be looked down because of their deeds, words but set an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
"So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands."
We believe that man is a spiritual being and he possesses the very image of God. True spirituality is a perfect blend of integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands. We strive to imbibe in, transmit to and enrich with and train them so as to inculcate skillful hands and upright heart in their professional life while engaged in the tortuous world.
"He has showed you, 0 man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you, But to do justice, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?"
We believe that man is a social being. Therefore, knowing the pains and aches of the suffering world (People, earth and creatures) is a prerequisite for becoming a leader. We believe that providing example and leadership that administers true justice with mercy, and which humbly honours a greater power than our own is the epitome of education.
We believe that each child is a masterpiece of God who carries the very image of God, therefore, it (he/she) is unique in stature and nature and possessing multiple intelligence. We believe that they are the clay and we are the potters and need to be handled with much care and love because they are fragile. We are committed to creating an educational atmosphere where they become more committed and passionate life long learners.